Before the Big Day

A wedding is a wonderful thing and lots of excitement surrounds the big day.

Often overlooked are some of the things that could be done to make sure this milestone marks a lasting and fulfilling union. As financial advisors, one of the things that gives us the most pleasure and sense of accomplishment is helping a young couple get started on their new life.

If possible we like to sit down with them well before the wedding and help them begin to chart their financial future. It’s hard for any couple on their own to have a good dialogue about money. With a neutral party present, it’s much easier to get that dialogue started and we hope it will last a lifetime. We help a couple sketch out the broad outlines of their financial lives knowing full well that there will be continual adjustments.

The important thing is that they can talk with each other about money in a constructive, unemotional way. Finances are one of the biggest sources of tension for a couple and a leading cause of divorce.

Getting started on the right foot, with the help of a financial advisor, can make a big difference in whether the young family prospers or founders.


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